This utility listens for multicasted QSO log events from WSJT-X and publishes them to the Firefly Field Day Logger. This requires WSJT-X to be configured to send to a multicast IP as described in Setup WSJT-X.


Installation is supported only on the Firefly Logger Pi Appliance image and in-support versions of Debian (currently Debian 12 Bookworm and Debian 11 Bullseye) only and only when installed through use of apt/deb and the PacketWarriors software repository.

Appliance Image

wsjt2ffdl is installed and loaded on the appliance image. No further installation is necessary.

Debian Installation

Installation on a supported Debian release is as follows.

  1. Install the PacketWarriors software repository if not already installed for Firefly Logger (i.e. running wsjt2ffdl on a different system):
wget -O/packetwarriors-repo.deb
dpkg -i /tmp/packetwarriors-repo.deb
apt update
  1. Install with apt:
apt install wsjt2ffdl
  1. Upon installation, wsjt2ffdl will be started and enabled to start on boot. Standard setups should require no additional configuration beyond the configuration of WSJT-X.


For non-standard configurations, the file /etc/default/wsjt2ffdl may be customized as described within the file. Generally, this means changing the multicast group IP or the multicast port.


Logs go to systemctl journal and/or syslog (if syslog is installed). Logging can be reviewed with the command journalctl -u wsjt2ffdl. Note that the logging will also note any QSOs that are not able to be stored with FFDL (usually due to dups). There is no way to feed duplicate QSO alerts back to the user of WSJT-X. Duplicate QSOs will be ignored by FFDL.


There isn't a lot to troubleshoot aside from configuration. Starting wsjt2ffdl with the --debug option can be illuminating but also noisy. For any issue, open a GitHub Issue and include logging output. Issues without logging output will be responded to with a request for logging output.