
The concept of "Screens" is the main UI paradigm in Firefly Logger. The following screens are available in the system.


The main logger interface used by most people. Each operator sets their operating details at the top and then can immediately begin logging. Main

Display Board

This "brag board" for displaying on a large screen or with a projector from the event to keep track of progress. Display

Handkey Interface

The Handkey screen is used to manually enter contacts if someone is unable or unwilling to use the electronic logging system. Display

Export Cabrillo

The Export Cabrillo screen exports the log as a Cabrillo-formatted file for score submissions. Fill in all items as desired and then click Generate Cabrillo File. The browser will download a Cabrillo-formatted text log named fieldday.log. Cabrillo

Export ADIF

The Export ADIF screen exports the log as a ADIF-formatted file for log recording in LOTW or import into other loggers. Fill in any desired information and then click Generate ADIF File. The browser will download an ADIF-formatted text log named fieldday.adi. ADIF

Export Text Summary

The Export Summary screen exports a text text summary format for log submissions. Enter any comment desired and then click Generate Summary Sheet. A text file named fd-summary.txt will be downloaded by the browser. DupSheet

Export CSV

The Export CSV screen exports the log as a comma-separate values file suitable for editing in Excel or Google Docs, or for importing into some other system as necessary. CSV